I’m working on an Elixir app at the moment and really enjoying it, but some of my recent dabbling in the type-safe worlds of Elm and Crystal have left me desiring a bit more structure in my code. The app I’m building involves a multi-step data transformation and so I have a data structure to properly represent this process. But since Elixir is a dynamically typed language, you can’t, for example, have a non-nillable field in a struct. The Elixir/Erlang ecosystem does, however, have a type-checking syntax called Type Specs, along with a tool, Dialyzer, that will find a fair number of errors at compile-time.
But I found that using defstruct
with type specs to be fairly verbose and unintuitive. For example, let’s say you want a “Person” struct with the following attributes:
- Name - string (non-nillable)
- Age - positive integer or nil
- Happy? - boolean (default to true)
- Phone - string or nil
Normally you’d do the following:
defmodule Person do
@enforce_keys [:name]
defstruct name: nil,
age: nil,
happy?: true,
phone: nil
@type t() :: %__MODULE__{
name: String.t(),
age: non_neg_integer() | nil,
happy?: boolean(),
phone: String.t() | nil
As you can see, the names of the keys and defaults are separate from the type information. This can get pretty hairy if you have a large, complex data structure and is very unintuitive if you aren’t already familiar with type specs. Luckily, I stumbled upon the TypedStruct package, which is a compile-time macro that dramatically improves the syntax. Using TypedStruct, the above example would look like this:
defmodule Person do
use TypedStruct
typedstruct do
field :name, String.t(), enforce: true
field :age, non_neg_integer()
field :happy?, boolean(), default: true
field :phone, String.t()
Now we’re talking! This is immediately understandable to anyone coming across it, particularly if you’re used to the DSL used to define schemas in Ecto.
So then what happens when I use the struct improperly?
defmodule PersonUser do
@spec init_person() :: Person.t()
def init_person do
%Person{name: nil, age: -1, happy?: "yes"}
NeoVim, configured properly with Coc.nvim, gives me a popup warning message:
And VSCode, with the Elixir-LS extension, will do the same:
In an ideal world, the program wouldn’t compile. But this is still a huge help, particularly in a large codebase that you’re not completely familiar with.