How to Replace the Angular Stack with React plus a few NPM modules

<p>As you can tell from the content of my blog posts, I&rsquo;ve been practicing and preaching Angular.js for quite some time now. It is an extremely productive web framework that felt like a big step forward from my days doing jQuery &ldquo;sprinkles&rdquo; and then Backbone.</p> <p>But then recently, I started playing with Facebook&rsquo;s <a href="">React</a> framework. And while I&rsquo;m still not quite as productive as I was with Angular, I absolutely love the code that I&rsquo;m writing. And on top of that, it has opened my eyes to a whole new paradigm for creating user interfaces.</p> <p></p> <p>I won&rsquo;t make this an article comparing and contrasting the libraries (a google search will probably turn up dozens of these), but here are the main reasons I&rsquo;ve made the switch:</p> <ul> <li>Small API surface area - you can learn 90% of React in 1 day (unlike Angular, where <a href="feelings_about_angularjs_over_time.png">this is the common learning experience</a>)</li> <li>Due to the efficiency of the virtual DOM, you don&rsquo;t have to worry about updating the DOM. You just write a single <code>render()</code> function that is run over and over and applied in an efficient manner. It makes writing your views more similar to how you&rsquo;d write them on the server because your view is simply a reflection of your current state. Angular&rsquo;s 2-way binding is nice, but it comes at a cost of speed and complexity.</li> <li>The &ldquo;Everything is a component&rdquo; paradigm is an extremely pleasant and simple way to create user interfaces.</li> <li>Everything is just javascript. Even the &ldquo;templates&rdquo;.</li> </ul> <p>And I&rsquo;m sure there are others. Angular is still a great framework, but at the end of the day, I enjoy writing code in React quite a bit more. And interestingly enough, while I had previously been under the impression that React was a 1-trick pony that you used when performance was a big requirement, the fact that it&rsquo;s extremely fast probably wouldn&rsquo;t make the top 10 reasons why I would pick it over other frameworks.</p> <p>One of the biggest differences between the two libraries is their scope (and this can be both good and bad). React only provides the view layer, while Angular provides quite a bit more, such as libraries for promises, http, dependency injection, etc, etc.</p> <p>So how do we replace all these concepts in the React world? Let&rsquo;s go over them one by one.</p> <h2 id="routing">Routing</h2> <p>Angular has a new router that I hear is great, but all my experience had been with <a href="">UI-Router</a>, which I generally liked. There is a React-focused router called <a href="">react-router</a> that is really fantastic. It is highly inspired by Ember&rsquo;s built-in router, but uses React&rsquo;s JSX syntax to structure your routes.</p> <h2 id="promises">Promises</h2> <p>Promises are in most JS apps these days and ES6 (the next version of Javascript) will have built-in promises, but until then, we will need to use a library. Angular includes the very nice <a href="#">$q</a> library that, as of version 1.3, uses a syntax fairly similar to that of ES6. For a non-Angular project, we have a few choices. First, there is <a href="">es6-promise</a>, which is a polyfill that just includes the exact functionality that ES6 will have. But there was one feature that I missed from $q, which was the <code>finally()</code> method. So if you need this feature, I recommend the <a href="">Bluebird</a> library.</p> <h2 id="http-requests">HTTP Requests</h2> <p>For my early Angular projects, I used <a href="">Restangular</a>, but in later projects, I found myself just using <a href="$http">$http</a> with a service for each resource. <a href="">Axios</a> is a library that is very similar to (and, in fact, inspired by) $http. Like $http, it is promise-based, automatically transforms JSON, and allows you to setup request and response interceptors.</p> <h2 id="modules-dependency-injection">Modules / Dependency Injection</h2> <p>Angular includes its own dependency injection framework for importing other libraries. It has a quirky syntax, but it generally works pretty well. But it is Angular-only, so it can be a bit awkward to pull in 3rd party libraries that weren&rsquo;t built for Angular. In React, you can just use NPM modules, which are widely supported, by using a bundling library such as <a href="">WebPack</a> or <a href="">Browserify</a> (I suggest Webpack). Then you can just require other modules like so:</p> <div class="highlight"><pre class="highlight javascript"><code><span class="kd">var</span> <span class="nx">otherLib</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="nx">require</span><span class="p">(</span><span class="dl">'</span><span class="s1">some-other-library</span><span class="dl">'</span><span class="p">);</span> </code></pre></div> <h2 id="unit-testing-mocking">Unit Testing &amp; Mocking</h2> <p>Easy unit testing is one of my favorite things about Angular, so it&rsquo;s great to know that their test runner, <a href="">Karma</a>, isn&rsquo;t specific to angular and can just as easily be used with React.</p> <p>Facebook actually has their own test runner and flavor of Jasmine called <a href="">Jest</a>, which has two things going for it: It&rsquo;s easy to setup and it auto-mocks your dependencies by default. But I found it to be painfully slow and quickly switched to <a href="">Mocha</a> plus <a href="">Chai</a> and running tests using <a href="">Karma</a>. And there are a few testing helper libraries included in React that can be used with any framework.</p> <h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2> <p>When I first moved from server-generated &ldquo;traditional&rdquo; web apps (and some light backbone apps) over to Angular, it felt like a huge step forward. While moving to React may not be as big of a step in terms of productivity, it feels like a huge move forward in terms of code simplicity and cleanliness. I&rsquo;m officially a convert, and I highly suggest that you check it out. And now that you know the basics of the React ecosystem, there&rsquo;s no excuse not to give it a try.</p>